Allegrippis Trails at Raystown Lake

The Allegrippis Trails at Raystown Lake are one of the most popular trail systems in the eastern US. The stacked loop trails are suitable and fun for beginner, intermediate or advanced riders, your speed and distance being the only difference in those three levels of rides. The trails are fast, flowy and non-technical with beautiful views of the lake. There are 24 mountain bike optimized trails covering 36 miles but to loop them all together and not miss one requires a 50 mile ride.
LHORBA members played a major role in the design, flagging and construction of these popular trails. LHORBA member Clark Fisher designed the first 30+ miles on his computer and flagged around 25 miles. Other LHORBA members flagged around 4 miles south of Seven Points Road following Clark’s GPS line. LHORBA was there to handbuild the first mile of trail, Buck Trail, and continued to contribute, along with other groups like NMBA, to the hand finishing of the machine built trails. Trail maintenance is currently done by the Friends of Raystown Lake under the supervision of the Army Corp of Engineers.
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Join a group of other bike junkies and raise the fun bar! LHORBA is a great example of what bike clubs can and should be. It's full of bike-loving, fun, enthusiastic, happy people wanting to connect with other club members on fun-filled rides. When you join LHORBA, you become a part of the area's premier cycling organization with access to events, information, and a network of like-minded cylists.