Laurel Mountain, Forbes State Forest

The Laurel Mountain section of Forbes State Forest includes some of the best, and most challenging, mountain biking trails in Southwestern PA. Expect the majority of the trails to be rocky but with excellent flow and very little climbing. The trails weave through lush mountain laurel and other thick vegetation as well as through, over and around boulders and rocks. The big rock outcropping overlook at Wolf Rocks is a perfect place for a lunch break and for impressive views.
LHORBA volunteers helped design, flag and build the following trails at Laurel Mountain, most of which are signed as “Expert” mountain biking trails: Rocky Gap, Outcrop, Hobblebush, Hemlock, Fish Run Connector and parts of Black Bear.
Under the leadership of John Nicholson, LHORBA continues to help with trail maintenance through the LMVG (Laurel Mountain Volunteer Group).
John Nicholson
[email protected]
Suggested Rides
State Park Website
State Forest Website
DCNR Trail Map
LHORBA Trail Map
MTB Project
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