Join the Club
Fitness and camaraderie, not to mention the rugged singletrack, scenic roads, and beautiful rails-to-trails PA has to offer.
Register online
Complete our online membership registration form and pay with PayPal or a credit card.
Mail in your registration
You may submit your membership application by printing and mailing this PDF form along with payment to:
Attn: Sue Poole
424 Riverside Ave
Johnstown, PA 15905
Code of Ethics
As members of LHORBA, we represent the bicycling community, and it is important that our external and internal relationships advance, rather than hinder, the image of bicyclists. To that end, we ask that all club members agree to the following four principles:
We will follow the IMBA Rules of the Trail. We will be courteous and respectful toward other users, recognizing that they, too, have a right to enjoy the trails. When on the road, we will follow all traffic laws and be respectful of all others sharing the road. We will promote the sport of non-motorized bicycling. The club's definition of a non-motorized bicycle is a bicycle that's 100% human-powered without pedal assist or a motor of any type.
Differences in opinion do not need to be viewed as unhealthy. Conflict may sometimes be necessary to resolve problems. When discussing access issues, whether at public meetings or in private, we shall strive to keep the discussion based on facts and not allow ourselves to be drawn into emotional, negative responses. We will keep to the moral high ground, seeking a win-win opportunity for all.
Whether it is riding a technical obstacle off-road, negotiating tight turns on a road downhill or organizing a work party, the more we share our skills and knowledge, the better we all can benefit.
The effectiveness and survival of LHORBA depends on members working together. We will operate within the framework of the bylaws, treat each other with dignity and respect, and keep principles before personalities in our discussions.